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concrete steps , floating steps,floating stair,concrete stair,
MONOLITH is a compagny offer a comprehensive range of concrete (matt black gray with fine texture) resin steps or (matt colors with fine texture) resin steps for Steel Stairs, and floating stairs. the steps shape are Custom and cut with an exact size by Digital Cutting Machine from autocad or other drawing for all the steps of your design stair . MONOLITH send a concrete resin steps product quickly, in 3 weeks' time all overthe world. If you want to know more information about our resin concrete steps or colors resin steps , please send us an email o.decatoire@orange.fr or visite your site www.marche-en-resine.comFloating staircases break that continuity that traditional types had. The stairs are no longer interconnected, they are perceived as individual pieces with, they are all independent and are not contained within a frame or a central structure. They appear to be floating and they tend to seem like they're unsafe. In fact, they are very well anchored into the wall and they present no danger to most people. However, the children might have some trouble with them.
This type of staircases is usually anchored in a solid wall and they cantilever away from the wall, thus appearing to be floating. They are made from a variety of materials. The most common material is wood ,concrete steps is very design !
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